Friday, January 11, 2013

CAUGHT ON TAPE: Newspaper Delivery Woman Pees in Elevator

Residents say one San Francisco newspaper delivery woman is leaving a unique paper trail on her daily route.

According to the Examiner, a woman was allegedly caught relieving herself in a residential elevator in San Francisco's ritzy Marina District while delivering newspapers for the San Francisco Chronicle.

Residents of the building had reportedly encountered a soiled carpet and stench nearly every day for months. According to CBS, Dan Stegink, a computer programmer and resident of the building, finally took action and installed a hidden camera in the ceiling.

"After three months of finding the puddle, a resident finally installed a camera to catch the culprit in the act," explained a video posted to YouTube.

The result? Video evidence of the culprit squatting and urinating in the elevator between deliveries. Stegnik described the deliverer as a woman in her mid-20s.

The Chronicle's Vice President of Circulation told the Examiner that the company is "looking into this situation."

“While our delivery personnel are independent contractors and not employees,” he told the Examiner, “the San Francisco Chronicle does not in any way condone this alleged behavior and will take quick and appropriate action as necessary.”

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