Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Giant Boulder Crashes Through Woman's Home

A Utah woman is recovering from a broken jaw and sternum after a boulder crashed through her home early Saturday morning.

The boulder -- estimated to be 12 feet long, 9 feet high and 9 feet thick -- rolled through Wanda Denhalter's bedroom pushing the bed and other furniture more than 4 feet.

The 63-year-old woman's injuries could have been worse, according to her husband, Scot Denhalter, who spent the night at his son's home, told the Salt Lake Tribune.

"I guess she heard the rumbling as it came down the hill and woke up," the 62-year-old man told the paper. "She rolled away from the oncoming noise to my side of the bed. If she had decided to swing her legs over the side of the bed and get up to investigate, it would have killed her."

Despite the injuries, Wanda Denhalter stumbled over to a phone and called 911, according to NBC News.

"I feel a bit guilty I wasn't there," Scot Denhalter told the St. George Spectrum.

The Denhalters moved into the home a month ago, despite Scot's fears that a big rock from the boulder-laden ridge looming above the back yard could one day loosen and come tumbling down upon them.

Wanda poo-poohed that notion.

In addition to her broken jaw and sternum, the skin on one of Wanda's legs was ripped open, according to UPI.com

"She's very lucky," her husband said.

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