Thursday, January 10, 2013

John Kerry Falls Asleep To His Own Speeches

Senator John Kerry (D-Mass.) offered an unusual cure to jet lag in an interview with Men's Journal, claiming he's "out in seconds" after listening to some of his own speeches.

"I can't say my past experiments with jet lag remedies have been very scientific," Kerry told the magazine. "When I'm flying, I usually take an Ambien and listen to one of my own speeches on my iPod. I'm out in seconds."

Despite his unusual remedy, Kerry joked that listening to himself talk "doesn't always work."

"Sometimes you'll have some funny moments from being overtired," Kerry said. "There was an incident in New Orleans, at Mardi Gras, in 1997. But the video has been destroyed and I gave the beads back."

Kerry has plenty of speeches to choose from thanks to his many campaigns, including his run as the Democratic presidential candidate in 2004. Kerry was recently nominated by President Barack Obama to replace Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

CORRECTION: This post has been updated to show Kerry ran for president in 2004, not 2008.

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