Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Man Who Had Sex With Donkey Back In The Slammer

A Florida man convicted of engaging in sexual activity with a miniature donkey has landed himself in hot water again.

Carlos Romero, 32, was out on probation Thursday when he was arrested for allegedly stealing 16 train batteries valued at $10,880 from the Florida Northern Railroad, according to Ocala.com.

Police said that Romero admitted to taking four batteries and bringing them into a recycling company to sell for scrap. Recycling company officials told authorities Romero was paid $161.46 for the batteries.

Romero, who had been arrested on bestiality charges in September, pleaded guilty in December as part of a plea deal, and was sentenced to one year of probation and a $200 fine. Ocala.com reported that, since his release, he had been living in his pickup truck or in the woods and eating food from dumpsters, and that he stole and sold the batteries because he needed cash to pay for his truck's insurance.

His plea deal also required him to give up his donkey, undergo psychosexual evaluation, avoid any contact with children at a school or playground, and avoid unsupervised contact with animals.

Romero and his attorneys had initially rejected the plea deal, arguing that Florida's anti-bestiality law was in violation of the U.S. Constitution.

He also waxed poetic about his preference for animals over humans, explaining that critters "do not seek other pleasures” and their feelings are “100 percent honest,” as opposed to "promiscuous" humans, who “stab you in the back, give you diseases [and] lie to you.”

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