Friday, January 11, 2013

Two Men With Assault Rifles Take Second Amendment Stroll, Freak Out Neighborhood

Two Portland men attempted to raise gun rights awareness Wednesday afternoon by walking the streets with assault rifles strapped to their backs.

Let's just say these sharpshooters were a bit off target.

Warren Drouin and Steven Boyce's Second Amendment stroll caused several panicked people to dial 911, according to Sgt. Pete Simpson.

"We support everyone's constitutional rights, but we ask that they exercise them responsibly," Simpson told the Associated Press.

"Anyone walking around with a visible firearm is going to generate calls from concerned citizens that we have to respond to. That takes resources away from potentially more serious incidents."

Neither Drouin nor Boyce, both 22, seemed interested in those concerns.

"We're not threatening anyone," he told KPTV-TV. "We don't have that kind of criminal behavior."

Drouin told the station that he hoped people would approach them to talk rather than calling police.

"What they really should do is observe the person to determine if the person is aggressive," Drouin said. "We're not doing anything threatening to anyone."

Drouin isn't just taking his message to the streets of Portland. He also has a YouTube channel under the name "Marked Guardian" where he explains his thoughts about gun rights.

The page includes nearly 100 videos on YouTube that show him walking around in public places strapped with a loaded assault rifle on his back and a pistol on his side, all in plain view, according to KGW-TV.

In his bio page, he explains: "I trying (sic) to normalize firearms in public and in my opinion, I believe that carry (sic) a rifle daily will bring a strong culture in my area."

Law officials in the Pacific Northwest are familiar with Drouin, especially in Medford, Ore., where top officials in the 103-member police force refer to him simply as "Warren" when describing their interactions with him, according to

In addition, officers receive training specifically on how to approach Drouin and others in the so-called open carry movement, which promotes the ability to openly carry guns.

However, Tim Doney, Medford's deputy police chief, told the website that not everyone openly carrying a weapon will be as benign as Drouin.

"We go out on every one of these calls," Doney said. "And who knows? The next one may be the one that is an active shooter."

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