Friday, January 11, 2013

WATCH (Yes, Watch) The World's Shortest Flight

In less time than it would take to microwave a bag of popcorn, you could watch the world's shortest flight.

The route that takes that honor is the trip between Westray and Papa Westray in Scotland's Orkney Islands, which can take as few as 47 seconds to complete, reports the Telegraph.

A bidding war over the route was recently settled, with the contract being awarded to Scottish airline Loganair, its current operator, according to the Daily Mail.

The paper adds that about 30 percent of the service's passengers are associated with the Orkney Islands Council's education service, while many others are health staff and patients of the Scottish National Health Service. Loganair, which has flown the route since the 1960s, introduced a popular flight for tourists in 2011.

On the opposite end of the spectrum, the world's longest commercial flight by distance, between Singapore and Newark, N.J., was ended in October 2012. The longest flight by duration, a Los Angeles-Singapore flight, was also cancelled. The current longest flight by distance is now a Qantas route between Sydney and Dallas, and by duration a Delta flight between Johannesburg and Atlanta.

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