Friday, September 27, 2013

Jaguar Attacks Caiman In Brazilian Wetlands; Watch The Stunning Video

To confront a caiman, you have to be one confident cat.

This jaguar, captured on film in Brazil's Pantanal wetlands, has what it takes. In a video provided by National Geographic, the powerful feline stalks along a riverbank before slipping into the water, crossing the river and sneaking up behind a caiman on the opposite bank. The jaguar attacks the reptile, and in less than two seconds, it's over.

If this scene looks familiar, that's because it is. Earlier this month, a photographer documented the same attack from a different perspective. (Click to see those photos.)

"He lifted the 150lb caiman from the ground and trotted toward the water like it was a doggie bone," the photographer, Justin Black, told the Daily Mail at the time. "The fact he attacked from the water is astonishing. ... It was reminiscent of crocs attacking land animals in Africa."

This area of Brazil is known for having the highest density of jaguars in the world. National Geographic considers the species near threatened.

WATCH video of the jaguar attacking the caiman, above.

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