Monday, September 30, 2013

Police Ticket Cheerleaders ... For Cheering

Talk about a rah deal.

Cops gave cheerleaders from the University of Western Ontario a ticket for -- get this -- cheerleading on a fan-filled street before Saturday's homecoming game against Queen's University, Canadian news outlet QMI reported.

The squad was walking to its stadium in London, Ontario, when three male cheerleaders tossed a female cheerleader in the air in an impromptu celebration. A policeman stopped the routine and handed team captain Max Gow a $140 ticket for causing a nuisance.

The school plans to fight the ticket and police plan to talk to the ticketing officer.

According to the Toronto Star, the cheerleaders were continuing the homecoming tradition of parading through student streets, and the cheering began in a parking lane away from passing cars. Cheerleading Coach David-Lee Tracey called the police move "absolute insanity."

“Since when is it against the law to yell your school name?” Tracey said.

The squad still had plenty to cheer about. The London Free Press reported that Western won the game, 50-31, to remain undefeated with a record of 6-0.

(Hat tip, Fark)

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