Monday, September 30, 2013

This Beer-Barricaded House May Be The Best Wedding Prank Ever

Friends of a newly-married couple in Belgium recently pulled off what may be the most epic beer prank ever.

Newlyweds Sofie Verret and Gerry Dumortier arrived home the morning after their wedding to find it completely barricaded with hundreds of beer crates. Oh, and an enormous sign reading, "“Shh… Newlyweds. Baby in the making.”

beer prank 2

As if that wasn't enough, the friends (or enemies?) arranged 7,500 empty beer bottles in the backyard in the shape of the couples' initials.

beer prank

According to, it took Verret and Dumortier 20 minutes to hack their way into their own home.

Dumortier isn't too upset over the whole thing, according to a BuzzFeed translation of a quote given to Het Nieuwsblad. “It was fun, we had a good laugh, and [our friends] helped us clean it all up,” the couple said.

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