Monday, April 4, 2016

Couple's Engagement Pics Feature Their 250-Pound Piggy Named Ziggy

Kristin Hartness and Jay Yontz's pet pig Ziggy travels with them everywhere they go. So it's only fitting that Ziggy played a major role in their engagement pics.

Hartness adopted Ziggy while living in the U.S. Virgin Islands approximately five years ago. 

"When I moved to St. John, Virgin Islands, I found an ad for a teacup pig that wouldn't grow larger than 25 pounds," Hartness told The Huffington Post. "'How perfect,' I thought, 'He is small enough that I could still do what I love to do -- travel!' Ziggy never stopped growing until he reached a whopping 250 lbs and my life did a 360."

Hartness grew so attached to Ziggy that she decided to keep him, large size and all. It took some time, but Yontz grew to love the pig as well.

"Ziggy came first and the boys butted heads at first, but now they're inseparable," Hartness said. 

Hartness and Yontz, formerly a banker and tennis court designer, respectively, have opted for an alternative lifestyle in order to keep Ziggy close. When their accommodations on St. John were sold, they chartered a plane for $15,000 to get Ziggy back to the states with them, as they couldn't find a rental on St. John that would accommodate the pig. They now live in a motorhome and travel across the U.S., finding temporary jobs in every place they stop. They're heading to Los Angeles this month, where Ziggy has been invited to the Stagecoach Festival as a pet celebrity.

"Living in close quarters for the last year and a half has only made us closer as a family. We're inseparable," Hartness said.

Ziggy sure likes to hog the spotlight. The Instagram-famous pig was present at Hartness and Yontz' engagement and even has his snout in their wedding plans.

"We will get married this year, whether it's just the three of us or a backyard wedding or maybe something on our very own farm," Hartness said. "Whatever or wherever it may be, it will be special because I can't wait to take the next step as our little family. Jay is perfect for us and was definitely the missing piece to our puzzle."

The couple plan to forgo a pricey wedding and use their savings to set up an animal sanctuary instead. They've filed for non-profit status and are launching an Indiegogo campaign to get the ball rolling. 

Check out more of their engagement pics below:

H/T BuzzFeed

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