Friday, March 15, 2013

#EMBARRASSING: Photo Of Guy Watching Porn At Work Goes Viral

Twitter user "James P" from Brisbane, Australia had no idea what he was getting into when he posted a photo of another man watching porn at work.

The image, taken from a building across the street, earned more than 2,600 retweets before "James P" decided to delete it. But by then, the Internet had swallowed it whole. picked up on the social media frenzy, catching the Twitter conversation between "James P" and one of his followers, where the two further discussed the pictured man's porn-watching habits.

"He's been doing it for ages!" "James P" said when when the user suggested that in the future the man might shut the blinds. Despite the photo's deletion, its life has continued on sites like Gawker, the New York Daily News -- and now The Huffington Post.

But the act of posting the photo in the first place, and the overwhelming response to it raises the question: Is there such thing as "TMI" anymore?

Maybe not.

In early March one man claiming to get a vibrating dildo stuck up his butt live-tweeted its extraction -- pictures included. And instead of everyone saying, "Ew!" and turning away, people followed him on Twitter. He gained more than 4,000 followers in about 24 hours.

Even Justin Bieber, notorious for shirtless Instagram photos, took social media sharing a step further when, in January, he posted a picture of his bare butt.

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