Wednesday, December 25, 2013

2 Friends Get DUIs Picking Up New Jersey Friend Busted For DUI

Someone should really tell this trio that friends don't let friends drive drunk.

A woman busted for allegedly driving while in intoxicated in New Jersey last week had to call three different friends to pick her up from the police station, because the first two showed up under the influence, according to police. Those two were also arrested, the Hunterdon County Democrat reported.

The first of the three stooges to get in trouble in Readington Township on the night of Dec. 16 was Carmen Reategui, 34. Police told the Democrat that Reategui swerved while driving and that she failed a field sobriety tests.

She called Nina Petracca to pick her up, but police threw the 23-year-old into a cell, because she showed up visibly intoxicated, according to the Express-Times. Officers claim that they found seven illegal Vicodin pills in Petracca's purse, so she was slapped with an additional charge of possession of a controlled substance to go with the DUI.

Later, the ladies called Ryan Hogan to spring them, but he too arrived looking half in the bag and failed sobriety tests, police allege.

Finally, a fourth adult arrived who was sober enough to drive.

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