Thursday, December 26, 2013

Artist Proves X-Rays Of Dead Animals Are Absolutely Gorgeous

Arie van 't Riet doesn't simply photograph his artistic subjects. He X-rays them.

With a PhD from Utrecht University, the medical physicist was inspired by the image quality of X-rays he had seen in hospitals. Then, after a friend asked him to X-ray a painting, Riet was struck with the idea to try a flower as well. He began with tulips and insects before moving on to turtles, cats and even monkeys.

"I prefer X-ray objects of ordinary scenes," Riet says on his website. "A butterfly nearby a flower, a fish in the ocean, a mouse in the field, a haron along the riverside, a bird in a tree and so on."

Recently, GeoBeats News covered the artist and put together this awesome video.

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