Thursday, December 26, 2013

This Yard Decorated With Crazy Holiday Inflatables Is Garish For Good Reason

Though some may call them eyesores, these blow-up holiday ornaments serve an important purpose this time of year.

Gary Gropper, a neurosurgeon in Atlanta, and his family fill their yard every year with holiday inflatable figurines as a way to raise charitable donations from visitors, CNN reported.

Gropper calls it "inflatamania," and told the news outlet he does it to spread joy.

"Most of the faces you see on the characters are smiling, and the smiles on the kids' faces, that's the main reason I do it," he said.

Last year, the family hosted 150 inflatables, Access Atlanta reported. They were also able to raise $10,000 last year for the Genesis Shelter, a local nonprofit that serves homeless families and their newborn babies.

Shanta Smith, a mother who received help from the shelter when her baby was 5 days old, told CNN about how the nonprofit helped her get back on her feet.

"This shelter helped me go out and get what I want -- not to sit around and wait on someone to give it to me."

If this story inflated your holiday spirit, learn about what you can do to support Genesis Shelter or find nationwide opportunities to help homeless families at the National Coalition for the Homeless.

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