Thursday, February 27, 2014

Parrot Helps Police Catch Murder Suspect

In a murder case, it's im-parrot-ive to hear from every witness -- even a bird.

Police in Agra, India say that a talking parrot helped them nab the man who killed the bird's owner, according to the Times of India.

The body of Neelam Sharma, 45, was found at her home on February 20. Her dog had also been killed, but Hercule, Sharma's pet parrot, was still alive.

Sharma's husband, Vijay Sharma, told police that after the murder, he noticed whenever his nephew, Ashutosh, came over, Hercule would go berserk.

"During discussions too, whenever Ashutosh's name was mentioned, the parrot would start screeching. This raised my suspicion and I informed the police," Sharma said, according to the Times of India.

Police said they investigated Ashutosh, who, police said, confessed to committing the crime with an accomplice, identified by the Press Trust of India as Ronny Massey.

According to the Press Trust of India, Sharma's brother, Ajay, also said the parrot would squawk "Usne maara" (he has killed) when Ashutosh would pass. However, as a commenter on the Deccan Chronicle points out, parrots only repeat words that they've already been taught, so this particular claim is suspicious at best.

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