Saturday, March 15, 2014

Cruise Ship Workers Appear To Throw Bags Of Garbage Right Into The Ocean (VIDEO)

Newly released undercover videos appear to show a cruise ship employee casually tossing bags of garbage straight into the ocean.

The videos (see below) were purportedly filmed aboard the Magnifica, a cruise ship owned by the Geneva-based company MSC Cruises.

The footage was allegedly filmed covertly by a former Magnifica crewman, who sent them to blogger and maritime lawyer Jim Walker. Walker posted them to his blog, Cruise Law News, on March 4.

Throwing garbage into the ocean is not only an environmental hazard, it's a violation of international law.

Watch: (Story continues below)


In an emailed statement to HuffPost, MSC Cruises said that these videos are merely another angle of an incident reported last year in Brazilian media (and also covered by Jim Walker). In that incident, video filmed by a passenger above deck appeared to show bags of trash being flung off the ship and right into the ocean.

HuffPost was unable to confirm that the latest videos are of the same incident.

MSC Cruises says "a full investigation is being conducted into the issue" and that "new stringent procedures have been enacted ... to further discipline crew members for breaches of the company's stringent anti-pollution policies."

"In light of the on-going investigation MSC Cruises is not in a position to divulge details of the case," the company continued. "MSC Cruises is fully collaborating with the Brazilian authorities in order to shed light on the responsibilities and prevent similar incidents from happening in the future," it said.

(hat tip New Times Broward-Palm Beach)

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