Monday, March 3, 2014

Oops! Pope Francis Accidentally Says The F-Word In Italian

The pope accidentally said the F-word.

Native Spanish speaker Pope Francis, using Italian in his weekly Vatican address Sunday, said the obscene "cazzo," which Italians often utter as an F-bomb, instead of "caso," which means "case." He quickly corrected himself and moved on.

But media outlets and the Internet weren't about to let it go. The mistake went viral, and the incident was even caught on video (watch above).

Speaking to thousands in St. Peter's Square, Francis says: "If each one of us does not amass riches only for oneself, but half for the service of others, in this f--- [pause], in this case, the providence of God will become visible through this gesture of solidarity," according to a translation by Italy's The Local.

It should be noted that while "cazzo" is technically a vulgar term for penis, it is often employed as the F-word, according to several dictionaries.

In either "caso," the pope unintentionally swore. Even guys at the top make mistakes.

All is forgiven, Holy Father!

(h/t The Mirror)

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