Thursday, April 3, 2014

Haunting Circus Performance In An Abandoned Factory Has A Mysterious Magic To It

When you think about the circus, you may think of elephants, ringleaders and clowns. Well, British circus troop Circulus is not your typical group.

They perform incredible acrobatics, aerial stunts, juggling and more in found and forgotten spaces in London and the UK.

"...We aim to transform a space," they write on their site, "inviting our audiences to step from the mundane drudgery of the streets into a totally immersive, modern circus experience. Leaving it exactly as we found it, coming and going, a finite entity…"

In the video above, the troop puts on a full show in London's East End in an unused Victorian Sail factory. The seamless footage follows one flawless act to the next and the haunting and mysterious effect will leave you wanting more.

We wonder what forgotten space they will magically transform next.

Via Viral Viral Video

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