Thursday, April 3, 2014

If You Live In Alabama, Don't Even Think About Using Your Welfare Money In These Places

One state's welfare restrictions are poised to get even tighter.

The Alabama House of Representatives passed a bill Wednesday that would lengthen the list of places where electronic welfare cards cannot be used at ATM machines. As the AP noted, SB 116 goes beyond the federal government's limits, which require all states to create regulations banning the use of the cards in bars, casinos, and liquor stores.

The legislation now heads to the desk of Gov. Robert Bentley (R). Here's the short list of places that are a no-no if he signs, as described by the bill's text:

"A retail establishment" where "the primary purchase of which is the sale of alcoholic beverages"


liquor store

"A tattoo facility"

tattoo parlor

"A facility providing psychic services"

psychic network

"An establishment that provides adult-oriented entertainment in which performers disrobe or perform in an unclothed state"

strip club

In addition to SB 116, the Alabama Senate passed a bill Thursday requiring welfare recipients to apply for three jobs before getting their benefits. That proposal also mandates the continuation of job applications once an individual goes on welfare.

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