Wednesday, April 2, 2014

'Amazing Spider-Man 2' Story Arc Writer Tweets For Premiere Invite

Gerry Conway has embarked upon an intense and heartfelt Twitter campaign, requesting an invitation to the premiere of "The Amazing Spider-Man 2," but he's not just some superfan. Conway is the writer behind "The Amazing Spider-Man #121," which is part of "The Night Gwen Stacy Died" Spider-Man story arc from 1973, and the partial basis for "The Amazing Spider-Man 2."

Upon learning that his story will appear in the blockbuster, Conway took to Twitter with a single request for director Marc Webb:

Since then, Conway has tweeted at both Webb and Sony Pictures, including the tag #inviteGerryConway in many of his messages.

Several fans have asked why Sony has not credited Conway in any manner for his work, to which he noted that past contracts give all rights to publishers, rather than creators; furthermore, he maintains that the campaign is all in fun and that he is on good terms with Webb.

The death of Gwen Stacey was a pivotal moment in Spider-Man's history, albeit not one that many fans were pleased to read, and that gives Conway plenty of leverage to tease the people behind "The Amazing Spider-Man 2."

Amusing in its entirety, the Twitter campaign is definitely worth a read, but it's currently unclear whether Conway has received an invitation to the premiere. "The Amazing Spider-Man 2" is out in theaters on May 2.

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