Monday, May 5, 2014

Tennessee GOP State Senator Likens Obamacare Sign-Ups To Nazi Death Trains

A Tennessee state senator thinks it's unwise for the Obama administration to brag about how many Americans have signed up for health insurance under the Affordable Care Act, likening it to the Nazis touting how many Jews were shipped to concentration camps.

State Sen. Stacey Campfield (R) made the comment on his personal blog Monday morning in a post called, "Thought of the day":

Democrats bragging about the number of mandatory sign ups for Obamacare is like Germans bragging about the number of manditory sign ups for "train rides" for Jews in the 40s.

Campfield did not return a request for comment on how Obamacare is like the Holocaust.

Chris Devaney, the state GOP chairman, quickly distanced the party from Campfield's remarks in a statement to the Nashville Scene:

While Stacey Campfield routinely makes remarks that are over the top, today's comments are ignorant and repugnant. No political or policy disagreement should ever be compared to the suffering endured by an entire generation of people. Those comments have no place in our public discourse. He should offer an apology to members of the Jewish faith immediately.

Campfield, of course, isn't the first Republican to compare the government's attempt to insure millions of people to a government's attempt to kill millions of people.

Campfield has attracted notice for his controversial statements in the past as well, likening homosexuality to bestiality and making an impolitic joke after the Boston Marathon bombing.

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