Tuesday, July 29, 2014

ABC 7 Pranked Over UCLA Water Main Break As Caller Claims 'Someone Took A Very Large Dump'

Maybe the name should've been a giveaway.

A man who called ABC 7 in Los Angeles ostensibly to explain Tuesday's water main break near the UCLA campus claimed to be Department of Public Works spokesman Louis Slungpue -- pronounced "slung-poo," as he helpfully corrected one of the anchors live on the air.

Slungpue first told the news outlet that the break was caused by college students flushing a cherry bomb down the toilet.

"Wow! Can you say that again?" the male anchor said. "You think somebody sent a cherry bomb down the toilet?"

Slungpue went on with his explanation, saying the DPW is "still in the investigation phase," and added that, "it was either a cherry bomb or someone took a really large dump, y'know?"

"That is incredible," the female anchor said. "Are you 100 percent sure about that?"

The line goes dead and in the background someone can be heard saying, "It's a prank call."

"Oh, we lost him," the anchor said on the air. "I'm sorry about that."

(h/t Mike Rosenberg)

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