Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Nestle Apologizes For 'Penis' Shape On Candy Bar

A London lawyer complained that he bought a candy bar with a penis-like shape imprinted on it -- and Nestle actually apologized.

Robin Jacobs, 31, said he was eating a Milkybar during Sunday's World Cup final and was stunned to see what he called an "inappropriate" image.

"What on earth is a penis doing on a kids’ chocolate bar?" he asked, per Metro. "There’s no point denying what it looks like. It is obvious –- we can all see it."

This wasn't the first time a customer had noticed the phallic design on the Milkybar. Here's a tweet from 2012 mentioning the suggestive shape on the candy bar:

Jacobs reportedly griped he will now remember the 2014 World Cup for the "Milkybar penis." He said he ate the candy anyway, outlets noted.

Nestle sent the following statement to The Huffington Post:

NestlĂ© is surprised and sorry to hear that Mr. Jacobs thought the picture on the Milkybar resembles male genitalia, it is in fact an image of a horse’s head, the Milkybar Kid’s horse. There was no intention to mislead or depict anything offensive on our product and we apologise for any confusion or embarrassment this may have caused.

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