Wednesday, July 30, 2014

The Worst -- Or Possibly Best? -- Pickup Technique Of All Time

We're guessing you haven't exactly reached Ryan Gosling levels when it comes to charming the opposite sex.

But that's OK, because on Wednesday, Redditor SteepLikeAMountain shared this pro tip. The post quickly shot to the front page of Reddit and it's not hard to see why -- it's either the best pickup line we've ever heard or the absolute worst:

1. Acquire several dozen limes.

2. Go up to them and then drop all the limes.

3. Start picking them up, but keep dropping them. The clumsier you look the better.

4. Keep doing this until you have their attention (this could take up to thirty minutes).

5. Finally gather up the limes. Try looking a bit sheepish.

6. Look them deeply in the eyes and say, "Sorry, I'm bad at Pickup Limes."

Oh, we give in -- it's the BEST.

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