Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Courtney Stodden, 19, And Doug Hutchison, 54, Are Engaged To Be Married Again

You know what they say ... true love never dies.

Courtney Stodden first made headlines in 2011 when, at only 16, she married 51-year-old "Lost" star Doug Hutchison. Despite their separation in November 2013, in which they cited the 35-year age gap between them as the main reason for their split, the couple is now engaged again, with plans to renew their vows.

The 19-year-old reality star confirmed her engagement on Twitter August 11:

Stodden's mom and manager, Krista Keller, also confirmed the couple's engagement in an interview with Fox 411:

"Courtney realized just how much love she really had for Doug. They really love each other and wanted to be together," Keller said.

Soon after their split in 2013, Stodden had told Fox 411 she was looking forward to being a "normal" 19-year-old:

"Right now I’m just looking to have fun and to grow into who I am as a woman and be single and independent and build my own foundation. I’m just my taking the time to be me and be single and be 19 and to try and be as much as a normal 19-year-old as I possibly can."

But now Keller insists that Stodden had her time to "experience other men," and realized that she "wanted to be with her original choice, her husband."

Let's see if the second time is the charm for these two.

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