Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Groom Drops Bride In Failed Attempt To Sweep Her Off Her Feet

This groom really wanted to sweep his bride off her feet, but gravity had other plans.

Things went south fast when newlywed Chad Kannard attempted to carry his bride, Julia Magdaleno, to their wedding reception on Oct. 11. Halfway up the sidewalk, the "worst thing possible" happened: he tripped and fell.

Although both bride and groom hit concrete, neither was seriously harmed. They both suffered just minor cuts, and Magdaleno was a only bit sore the next day, according to ABC News.

In fact, Magdaleno told ABC she thought the incident was hilarious.

“I was like ‘Go figure,’" Magdaleno said. "I’m so type A where I need to, like, make sure everything’s planned out and this one moment where I just let it go, what you think would be the worst thing possible happened, but I got up and I was laughing so hard. I thought it was, like, the best thing that’s ever happened."

The way the two bounce right back up together is adorable -- and Magdaleno didn't even drop her bouquet. That takes serious bridal skills!

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