Monday, September 30, 2013

Max Gow, Western University Cheerleader Fined.. For Cheering

Coach is not happy.

A cheerleader has reportedly been slapped with a $140 fine for causing a 'nuisance' en route to Saturday's homecoming football game in London, Ontario.

The nuisance?

Western University cheerleading coach David-Lee Tracey told the National Post his squad of some 40 cheerleaders stopped in a student neighbourhood and raised a cheer to the hometown favourite -- the Western Mustangs.

One of the cheerleaders was reportedly being tossed in the air when a decidedly unmoved police officer approached -- and issued the team captain, Mackenzie (Max) Gow, a $140 fine.

“It’s kind of a you-got-to-be-kidding-me story,” Tracey told the Globe and Mail. "This would not happen in America, would it?”

The cheerleaders were likely caught up in the London Police Service's 'liquor strategy and reduction of noise strategy,' dubbed Project LEAN, according to the Globe.

Nevertheless, Tracey intends to fight the ticket on behalf of the captain.

And he will likely have spirited support from his squad.

"We’re the cheerleading team for goodness sake,” he told Sun News.

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